Ikh Khüree and the Later Buddhist Art of Mongolia

The Book is based on my Ph.D. Dissertation, titled Ikh Khüree: a Nomadic Monastery and the Later Buddhist Art of Mongolia, published by the University of California in 2009. It analyzes a quintessential Khalkha Mongolian monastery, Ikh Khüree, and its numerous migrations: the First Jebtsundampa Zanabazar (1635-1723) and his art; portraits of Jebtsundampa reincarnate rulers; rituals, images and a temple of Maitreya in Ikh Khüree; and the Eighth Bogd Gegeen's (1870-1924) idiosyncratic paintings "One Day in Mongolia," and "Green Palace." The book's main argument is that art and images were used in Ikh Khüree for political purposes relating to Tibet–Qing–Khalkha relations.


Selected Papers On Themes of Mongolian Art History, 1993-2018